Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Special: Mango!!!

Today, we are featuring a special fruit. Well, it's not that exotic but in my not-so-expert opinion, this mango is GINORMOUS. Why do I say so? For starters, it weighs half a kilo ALONE. 

To give you an idea of how big our mango looks like, lappy has volunteered to give you perspective.
We came across it at a neighbor's home. She was selling mangoes from the trees in her backyard. This one in particular cost us roughly $0.50.

Chooey: MAAAAANNNNGGGGOOOO!!! (Peanuts is in the background pawing her down.)
By the way, Peanuts and Chooey love fruits. They have not once refused being fed fruits as treats. Do you guys like fruits?


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I like to eat fruit too, but we've never seen a mango that big!


  2. Nola LOVES fruits and veggies as treats. Her favorites are carrots, green pepper, watermelon, apple and frozen blueberries
    Nola's Mom

  3. No melons fur me but I love all the others!

    Thanks fur sharing that pawesome MANGO!


  4. That is about 1/10th the price of a mango that size in NYC

    urban hounds

    1. $5 dollars for a mango?!? Wow, I bet you can buy half a sack with that much money in the province (Or approximately 4 kilos here in the city).

  5. I like durian! Have you tried durian?

    Love, Whisky

    1. Yes, we do. But only once or twice. My sister used to bring me some when she travels to Davao,Philippines.

  6. I am not a fruit kinda's all about the meat or fish for me! Anyways Happy Daddy's Day to you!
    Best wishes Molly

  7. Ooooh, looks like someone gets kind of crazy when she sees mangos!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  8. They like fruits??? That is unusual! Mangoes are quite rare here, but I used to get them when I lived in Israel!! Have a great day :)

    1. They seem to be abundant in tropical countries... And we just love our mangoes! I will have a question for you at your bloggy! LOL.

  9. We don't like fruits or vegables. Oui Oui does like peanut butter however. Many years ago the mom had a kitty who liked peas, a dog who liked watermelon and another dog who liked eating bees (she wasn't very smart).

  10. My hoomin says fruit juice is good. :)

  11. We only get fruits and veggies as treats here...our favs are carrots, broccoli and sweet potatoes! We have never had mango but now that mom read your blog she said shed try it!

    1. Carrots and broccoli are good. The better to see you with.

  12. Wooowwwwzzzaaa that is big! My hubby loves Mangos and he would just think that would be all his. I'm thinking Mango smoothie time and mango salsa, mango with honey and yogurt...mmmmmm. How do you tell when it is fully ripe?

  13. Oh My Dawg! That mango is huge! How pawsome! Chooey, you crack me up! What a funny photo! I am sure that mango is big enough for both you and Peanuts to share! I have never had mango, perhaps I should give it a try.


  14. I like some fruits but haven't tried mangoes. Do you like them? We can get some at the grocery.

  15. Wow, that is the biggest Mango I've ever seen. Where I live ( UK )they are about the size of a grapefruit and rock hard!
    Mollie xx ( New to bloggie stuff )


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Huggies and Cheese, CEO Chooey