Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Partially Wordy Wednesday

After spending 2 hours figuring out how to use GIMP, I was able to add some texts in this picture. I just realized how much I suck at it and miss using Photoshop.

Give me that steak in the picture box. I command you!
News Flash: My Windows 7 is damaged again. I'm still unable to fix it so please bear with me. I might not be able to visit you guys until my Microsoft OS gets "medicated". I'm thankful that I have Linux Ubuntu at the moment.


  1. Love the tongue! Sorry to hear your having troubles again. Good luck!

  2. The tongue is priceless! Good luck with your computer issues!

  3. Well, if nothing else, we always enjoy seeing Peanuts. :)

    Paws crossed that your computer woes are fixed soon.


  4. The tongue says it all...FEED ME!
    I recently sent my laptop to be cleaned - it was running a little slow and super hot! Thank goodness it didn't need to be medicated. :)

  5. Oh my giidy aunt , we have been struggling with GIMP for ages. Lots of you tube tutorials available that even a doglet can get to grips with.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Peanuts is such a little honey!
    Is there anything worse than computers, sigh.
    Lynne x

  7. Oh, goodness, that's no fun having computer problems. Hope it gets medicated soon.

    We downloaded GIMP once and deleted it very quickly. We're using PS Elements and figure we're lucky to have an old version to go with our old computer. :)

    Thanks for the birthday wish for Jan.

  8. I cant add works to pictures so I an impressed

    urban hounds

  9. Good grief! You can use photoshop!!! I can just get my head around picmonkey lol Hope the techy stuff comes to its senses xx

    1. No need! Austin can pose by himself pretty well!

  10. Windows 7 was the only thing we understood in that paragraph! Hope it gets fixed soon. We haven't worked out photoshop yet.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  11. Hope you get a handle on all your puter troubles soon. :-)

  12. We want steak too.:) We hope your computer gets fixed soon.:)

    Teddy Bear & Sierra

  13. I gave gimp a shot too, but I wasn't too pleased with it. It's not very intuitive. I hope the computer gets fixed soon.

    Take care,

  14. Maybe you need an exorcism to rid your computer of its demons once and for all! I tap momma on the arm all of the time to point out things I want that she somehow has missed offering to me. Does it work for you Peanuts?

  15. Photoscape is fairly easy to use. Unfortunately it doesn't silhouette photos, but it does most everything else. You have to look around for the features, but its versatile. I thought GIMP was intimidating.

  16. I've given you an award!

  17. Oh NO's! Not a sick computer! I hope it gets fixed soon.
    We do not know how to do any PHOTO SHOP or anything like you do, but I hope you can fix it.
    My arm is bare too!
    nitey nite
    T W E E D L E S

  18. ooh, that sucks! i hope you get your computer back soon, i don't know what i'd do without photoshop, it's so much fun to use!

  19. Hey guys, I know you're having computer issues this week but I wanted to let you know that I've giving you a blogger award on today's post

  20. Hope your computer gets sorted soo - we love Peanuts picture :-) woofs and licks from Magic xx

  21. I hate it when the technology fails, I really shouldn't I lived many years without it, but hey, now I love it working, hate it broken. Susie-Belle needs to communicate with the world through it :)


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