Saturday, May 26, 2012

Saturday Servings: Doggie Revenge or Something Else?

You must be wondering what Peanuts has been up to with the couch... Well, here's catching her in the act.

Is this your evil plot of revenge, Peanuts? Or should I expect something else?

Sister helping sister. I find out that dear little Chooey is the mastermind of torturing the couch.

My computer is currently under the weather. I'm not sure if it's a terminal sickness or something a total reformat could fix. So please bear with me if I haven't visited your bloggies.

Yesterday, it malfunctioned for 4 hours. After doing a boot repair, I went on my business for an hour and it showed the Blue Screen of Death again. Then it malfunctioned again. :(

Now, it's fixed. But I don't know for how long. Sigh.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your computer problems :( Sending hugs for your computer to feel better really soon :)

    It looks to me like there's some great Mischief going on there - Tee Hee - Keep it up guys!! :)

    Your pal Snoopy :)

    1. And I thought only dogs and pawrents are supposed to get hugs. Thanks buddy. Read your latest mischief. It was hilarious.

  2. Computer woes are no fun...we hope it stays happy and working!
    Thanx for coming by today! We're glad you liked the bday video. That was none other than Glogirly and Gloman singing, I mean meowing.
    ; ) Katie

    1. Gloman, really? Well, at least some daddies are eager enough to help in any way possible.

  3. Hope you get your computer sorted out soon, they really are a pain in the you know what - in the meantime go back to torturing the couch!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  4. Hhhhm the couch looks good to me but then Norbert once ate one, and Imean all of a couch

    1. Oh yes, I remember you mentioning that to me. The amazing Norbert and the devoured couch.

  5. Well, I guess that's what slipcovers are for LOL.

    Sorry to hear about your computer. Sounds like it may be a hardware issue, possibly over heating. Then again it could just be a virus. It's hard to say without having actually looked it.

  6. Oh yuck. We hate it when the BLUE screen comes on. Mommy would say things we dare not even repeat. Good luck with yours!
    Nice one, Chooey!! :p

    1. I'm not surprised. I've said a number of things that I felt was uncalled for because of these blue screens myself.

  7. Sorry to hear about your com-poo-ter problems :(

  8. Peanuts, we just knew you were innocent. Hmmmm,now we are all wondering if there might be some treats in our sofa too. Do we dare try to find out?

    Hope you can get the computer functioning properly.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  9. I'm sorry about your computer.... and your couch.... and the trick about treats.

  10. I know your innocent Peanuts!

    Sick computers give me tummy aches!

  11. If they are taming up against you, you may as well just surrender! BOL! Hope the computer demons can be totally exorcised and the machine can be saved!

    Oso, Oh!Another White Dog, OAWD, is our newest boy. He has been with us 10 days now. See our post on May 17th for the story. Just when you thought you had the White Dog Army straight...

    1. I know! No wonder I felt something was a miss. We have a new White Dog in Town. I will check it out.

  12. Rooo I love that first photo - its a picture of innocence if ever I saw one! I just realised your bloggie wasn't on my rss reader, all sorted now though *waggy tail*

    1. That's alright. I can totally relate. Sometimes I can miss out on some of my bloggie friends too.

  13. I think Peanuts is innocent. Peanuts was bullied into it!

  14. Thanks for stopping by our blog! Looks like you also use the team approach for your deeds! Being a dog is great, don't you think?

    Your friends,

    Murphy and Stanley

  15. Seems it's breakages all round in your house!!! Perhaps Chooey and Peanuts know more about your computer than they are letting on??? Hope Puter feels better soon xox

  16. Oh deary me, poor computer! Hope it gets well soon.

    Oh Peanuts, I do hope your not causing all that mischief!


  17. BOL! Chooey, you are very sneaky! I bet you still have poor Peanuts looking for treats inside the couch! But be careful, Peanuts may become wise to your ways and play a trick on you!

    Hope your mom gets her computer fixed. It is not fun having computer problems. Plus, I miss you when you don't blog!


  18. Peanuts is silly! Hope your computer is fixable.

    Your pal, Pip

  19. Ugh! Nothing worse than the screen of death blues! Hope you get things back to normal soon.

    Critter Alley

  20. Oh the dreaded Blue Screen of Death... how..... dreadful...


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Huggies and Cheese, CEO Chooey