Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Peanuts and the Pack Update

This entire month has been too busy for all of us in the household. To top it all off, my computer got busted for more than a week. Luckily, I and my friend were able to fix it by using an Ubuntu operating system. Unfortunately, I still have to buy a new hard drive because of the bad sectors my hard drive has.

Here's a summary of what I haven't posted.

1. Magic and Leigh's package arrived last April 20. I picked it up from our post office on the 30th. Peanuts and the pack had a squeak-a-thon with it. And Mr. Timothy the Natural Turtle's tail is no longer attached to his body. ^^

A Package!!! We got a package from Magic's Mum and Magic.

Chew-a-thon!!! Sorry for the picture quality. I was really delighted that the dogs have spent hours playing with the new toys.

Much better! Meet Timothy the Natural Turtle.

2. Peanuts has a new temporary sister. Chooey will be staying with us for a couple of months before I bring her to my sister's place. She will be Buchi's new playmate and companion- so he can get to play with someone his own size, for a change.

Meet our new temporary sister. Her name is Chooey and she's so small.

For comparison purposes, check this feeding time photo of Chooey and Peanuts (trying to sneak out some kibbles).

3. The computer was busted for a week. I, Haopee, am driven crazy by this fact as I could not visit my bloggy friends as I have promised. I'm sorry guys. Finally, we got it fixed.

High Five!


  1. Wow! Your new toys from Magic and her Momma look awesome! Love the picture of Peanuts and Chooey! They'll love having a temporary sis!

  2. Too bad life has to be so hectic sometimes. Hope things settle down for you soon.

    Great new toys, and we think little Chooey is just adorable.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  3. Awe, how sweet is chooey, its always nice to have a new playmate! Love the new toys too

  4. Chooey is just adorable! What a cutie!

  5. Sorry to hear about your computer problems and busy schedule :(
    Hope things improve for you soon! Chooey is such a cutie!!!

  6. That looks like a great toy from Magic and Leigh...glad Peanuts and Chooey love it!

  7. Those are great toys! And OMG that puppy is so fluffy
    Nola's Mom

  8. Chooey is adorable, he looks like a wind up toy

    urban hounds

  9. It's always fun to chew on toys with a friend!

  10. What a great pressie, you will all enjoy that!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  11. hey Peanuts,

    Glad your mom finally got your computer up and running. It is always a pain when computer issues occur. Glad to see you back!

    Chooey is adorable! So cute and so tiny! I hope you both have a lot of fun together!

    Timothy the Turtle is pawsome! What great gifts from Magic and his Mum!


    P.S. The last photo of you high-fiving your mom is great! Love it!

    1. Thank you. My new "super ancient camera" sometimes automatically deletes my most recently taken pictures. Good thing the High-Five photo was salvaged.

  12. We thought it was quiet around the blogosphere lolol Just kidding. So glad you’ve got your pc fixed. Such a nightmare.

    Chooey looks quite a little star ✫ She looks like a cuddly toy lol

    High 5 Peanuts✋

  13. I'm glad you got your computer fixed! That little guy is smaller than June Buggie!

    1. Indeed she is, dear Rumpy. Chooey is as tall as my hand and as wide as the rags found in our home.

  14. Nice to know your computer (and you) are back in action, Haopee.

  15. Looks like there's going to be all kinds of fun at your house!

    Critter Alley

  16. Sorry about the computer issue! Glad your are back! Man look at those toys!!!! Oh I bet those squeaks are fun!!! :) happy tuesday! ~Weinerful Gang~

  17. its nice to see lots of doggie pics!!! especially when enjoying new toys. :) glad you are back to blogging, i've not been posting too often, hopefully i can pick up the pace again.

  18. Chooey sure is a cutie (and so is Peanuts)! We're glad to hear your computer is all fixed, Haopee! :)

  19. I want a Chooey of my own. how cute is that.

    1. Well, you could always ask Peanuts for her toy--- err... sister. But then, I doubt she'd give it to you since it squeaks and fights back during play time. Squeaking balls are over rated!

  20. Cool pressie! And we are glad you got the computy fixed!


  21. Oh my! Chooey is sooooo cute! She almost looks like our CoCo. Computer problems are never fun, glad yours is fixed.

  22. Whee! Fun packages in the mail and a new foster sister! She is a cutie!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  23. High 5 my friends! I am so happy your computer got better so we can see your cute faces and read about everything that is happpening.
    Chooet is adorable,, he is very little! What fun you are going to have playing with him!
    I love all those new toys you got,,, lots of new fun!

  24. Hey Haopee, Jet here.

    Phew, so much stuff going on, huh? Welcome Chooey, you have joined a very fun place. Toys??? via a package??? lucky you!!!

    Mom asked me to share that she knows of computer woes... condolences!

  25. We are so happy the parcel arrived safely and the toys have been fun - maybe Mr Timothy the turtle didn't need his tail any more :-) Chooey is the sweetest little bundle of fluff - so cute! Woofs and licks from Magic xx

  26. Great to meet you Chooey - you're super cute!! :)

    Good luck with the computer, we know how frustrating it can be when they're broken :(

    Wags to all

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  27. Chooey is precious and the toys look like lots of fun!
    Have a great day!

  28. Oh, Chooey is just adorable!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  29. New toys AND a temporary new sister! Wow! Chooey looks swwet, but you are right little compared to you Peanuts...so play gently. Glad Haopee's computer is least kind of functional.

    BTW: The WDA does call Steve "dad" but when momma refers to him on the blog, as the author I use his name.

  30. CHOOEY~~ you adorable little thing

    I shall be awaiting more pics

  31. I <3 Mr. Turtle

    fluffy fluffy turtle


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Huggies and Cheese, CEO Chooey