Thursday, March 29, 2012

Not so Wordless Wednesday: Puppy Blues

Two posts ago, I had mentioned of visiting Cartimar Pet Center. This is where more than 50 pet stores are located in one vicinity. I had so much fun looking at the different dog accessories and toys. What I had not mentioned is they also sold purebred puppies and dogs and even advertise stud services.

Anyway, here's a picture I'd like to share with you guys.

Mind reading time! What do you think is this little guy dreaming of?
Purebred dogs (like this Japanese Spitz puppy) in the Philippines are generally treated like little children. They are loved, exercised and fed very well. It's the street dogs (termed "askal") that are usually left to fend for themselves (Sigh).


  1. That little guy looks like a baby one of the WDA! We think it is wrong that street mutts are so poorly treated, not just in the Philippines, but around the world. Dogs, all dogs, should be loved for their loyalty and unconditional gift of their devotion...not because of their lineage!

  2. Awwwe! I think that poor little guy is just depressed and wants someone to love him!

  3. We are so sad to hear about the non purebreads in other countries.:( We love the puppy picture and agree with Siku. He sure looks like a fluffy Eskie.:)

    Teddy Bear & Sierra

  4. Poor little baby. What a life.
    Sometimes I am disgusted with the human race.
    Lynne x

  5. We are so grateful that we do not have "homeless" dogs wandering the streets. It would be way too upsetting for my mum - who is a big softie.

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie

  6. I just don't understand why some people scoff at non pedigree animals. They are just as capable of love and being a loyal companion as a pedigree.

  7. How sweet. Its so dad that more people dont appreciate street dogs, but perhaps things will change. I think spay neuter is really important. People may have a lot of fears regarding street dogs and thus fear dogs. A good friend of mine from India was chased by a pack of street dogs as a child She still has a fear of dogs but is getting much better. She often tells me how much better dogs are treated in the US. She thinks its party because of more wide spread spay neuter

    Urban Hounds

    1. It's the same here in the Philippines. Although I've noticed a decline street dogs in our area, they still exist, scavenging garbage cans for food. It's a bit scary especially since there's the possibility that they may have rabies.

      I agree, spay and neuter should play a big part in making a place better for dogs.

  8. I understand that certain societies have beliefs about dogs. Here they don't allow dogs to just roam. They are rounded up and killed if not claimed. It's much more sanitary than just letting them roam around, but truth be told, we don't really look at them much differently. We just like to think we do.

  9. We are sad to hear that mutts are so poorly treated, but that happens a lot here too. We think Rumpy has pawed some very true words.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  10. Aww, poor pup. So sad about the mutts too. Every dog deserves a chance at love.

  11. Maybe he's dreaming of finding a forever home of his very own.

  12. Thanks for stopping by. I don't know why you had trouble commenting, but wordpress has been more particular about comments lately (again I do not know why). Even some of my long time commenters were put in spam and I had to fish them out.

    Some of the larger cities around here also have dogs just roaming. I think it is a problem everywhere.

    1. I know what you mean. I have some issues with Rumpy's blog as well. Wordpress... I no likey!

  13. Strays everywhere have such a hard life. Wish more could be adopted and given happy homes!

    Critter Alley

  14. It is very sad that so many pooches and moggies just are not cared for :(

  15. Thanks for your note regarding the term "askal"... I love hearing what people call dogs, particularly 'non pet' dogs, in other countries. In Australia, we have "camp dogs" which are dogs that live on indigenous settlements, which I think are called "reservoir dogs" in the USA.

    1. Interesting. I'm glad you pointed that out.

  16. I think he's dreaming of finding his forever home - I dream that all Doggies could find a forever home - maybe one day….. :)


    Your pal Snoopy :)


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Huggies and Cheese, CEO Chooey