Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How to Train Your Dog to Use a Crate

Crating your dog can seem a little harsh at first, especially when you consider shutting your precious puppy away! However crate training has been found to be beneficial for dogs as it promotes a range of advantages:

  • Provides a safe place for your pet to feel secure
  • Encourage bowel and bladder control – dogs don’t like to mess where they sleep/eat
  • Perfect for travelling; using a crate keeps you both safe and secure in the car
  • Great to ensure your pet doesn’t cause any damage when you aren’t around to supervise him.

Dogs were originally pack animals that lived in small dens for safety and comfort, so they like to have a safe place to retreat to. A crate can replicate this, and provide a place of his very own. For young dogs, or those who get bored easily, this can also mean you can leave him for short periods without the risk of carpets or furniture being chewed.

Never leave your dog in a crate for too long.
A key point to remember, is that the crate should not be used as a punishment. You want your dog to feel safe and comforted in his crate, and be eager to go inside. Associating it with negative connotations will mean he is reluctant to sit inside. 

Ready to give it a Go?

So, when you feel the time is right to crate train your dog follow the guidelines below for a fuss free transition;

Choose the right size for your dog. Remember, if he’s a puppy he will grow, and fast – so choose a crate with growing room. Make sure you opt for one that your dog can fully stand up in, and turn around easily. There is lots of choice in stores or online, Swell Pets have a huge range of crates that are perfect from Chihuahuas to Dobermans.
Buchi's five-year-old wire crate
Make it comfortable and appealing. Add some soft bedding and even a favorite toy to make the crate feel and smell like home. At first just leave the crate door open and make little fuss, if he does go in, don’t close the door. Allow your dog to go in and out as he wishes. Remember, patience is the key here!

If in Doubt…Food!

If, after a while your dog isn’t interested, maybe try popping a few treats inside and around the crate. There’s very few dogs who can resist a tempting treat. Again patience is vital, so go at your dog’s pace.

Another idea is to put your dog’s food in the crate, right at the back. If he goes in to eat, this will form a positive link with the crate. When he is eating close the door, but once he has finished open it. This reinforces the link between food-crate-happy dog. Keep the door closed for slightly longer each time, to make him realize that the crate is a good place.

These Shih Tzus were just too excited about it. The moment I opened our new collapsible wire crate, off they went inside. Chooey even strikes a pose.
If you think your dog is happy in the crate, try leaving him for very short periods and build up slowly. 

If you don’t have much luck at first, don’t worry. Simply take time and patience to ensure your furry friend feels comfortable in his crate. With a little hard work and perseverance, he’ll soon be happily curled up inside.

Buchi: Get out of my crate, Chooey! I have an appointment with the pretty vet lady today.
Sorry I'm a little under the weather, bloggy friends. Buchi's immuno-compromised body requires tender, loving attention twice a day, seven days a week. 

On the bright side, it's been a month since we've visited our favorite vet. Although, we might have to drop by her place tomorrow since the itchies is getting worse again.


  1. We have never used a crate but we see nothing wrong with it. Hope you are feeling better soon. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. We used crates when we were baby puppy dogs but now the only time we ever use them is just to peek inside every now and again. They were very valuable!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws
    "Use Your Noodle & Vote For A Doodle!"

  3. We use crates when the pups are little (or old). They seem to like it and will often get in when they want some peace or a sleep. Dui still has his.

  4. its good advise--- however i go crazy in a crate,,, (more crazy than usual!

  5. Great advice, and tutorial, Haopee! We have some doggy friends who love their crates.

    We sure hope you feel better soon.

  6. Great advice! Crates make good dens when you want a bit of peace and quiet to chew or snooze :) Crybbe opens the crate door himself and shuts it behind him BOL to get away from the puppies. Sorry to hear about poor Buchi - sending licks and hugs and hope the vet can help. Woofs and licks from Magic xxx

  7. A dog can actually benefit from building up a positive relationship with their crate as their own personal safe space. Great article that clears up a very common, negative misconception.

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  9. One dog owner said she actually layed on the ground becide her whining pup. I was thinking that if all you concerned dog owners spent half as much time love and concern with humans as you do with your pets this world might be a better place. Maybe more respect for others and not so much crime. Who knows….maybe humans might like the love from other humans.


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Huggies and Cheese, CEO Chooey