Saturday, August 16, 2014

4 Tips in Caring for Long-Haired Dog Breeds

Before we start with our local program, let me just share this amazing person whose technique in dog grooming I truly admire.

This Youtuber is an amazing groomer. I like his approach with scared dogs.

There's a downside in caring for a long-haired dog. Shih Tzus and Pekingeses need constant grooming. Some owners take it to themselves to do the grooming. And it's fine. Just remember, it's not just the normal bathing and clipping that they need. 

Asti, the majestic, white lion! Just see how floofy she is.
Most long-haired dog breeds require... 

1. Daily brushing. If you don't have the time to brush your dog's hair daily, you should at least spend 30 minutes a week to ensure that all matted fur is removed.

See how thick her fur is. We have to brush her hair everyday to keep it from forming lumps.
2. Nail clipping. Forget about the challenge of clipping dogs with black nails. Now, you also have to deal with nails surrounded by fur.

This is what groomer's call the Puppy Cut. It's cropped short, about half an inch thick.
3. Clipping/cutting of fur in sensitive areas. Scared of holding your dog's muzzle while placing the scissors in front of his face? Scared nicking your dog's skin or scratching his eye with your scissors? This is just one of the many things you will have to deal with long-haired dogs.

Dogs with long hair need to have the fur between their toes and paw pads trimmed on a weekly or monthly basis. This goes for the hair/fur on their butts and on their abdomens.

Semi-bald cut. We had to cut Asti's hair this short so that treating her fungal infection would be easier.
4. Longer bathing and grooming time. Because of their long fur, breeds like Yorkies, Shih Tzus, and Pekes require more than just a towel to dry off. They need a blower to ensure that their double coats are completely dry.

Our new groomer is amazing. The dogs love him. His grooming skills are superb, and he's very tidy. 
*Pekingeses don't have double coats. They just have a really thick one.

Update: Haopee is a little under the weather. She's wallowing in bed like a sick pig. BOL!


  1. Yep that is why I get trimmed. Too much trouble trying to deal with my long furs when I go to the park and get down and get dirty. Peeps says it is easier to manage when I am sleek and trim. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Good grooming advice - thank you. Sorry to hear that you are not well. Take care and hope you are feeling better very soon - sending hugs and nose licks from Magic and family xxxx

  3. I miss grooming Whisky so much. She was such a good girl when it came to being groomed.

  4. We get groomed at home to keep control of our long furs.....the scotties, that is.

  5. This is very good information that you share with us,,! Its important!

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Huggies and Cheese, CEO Chooey