Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Our New Addition to the Family: A Peke Like No Other

Never Ending Story's Mini-Falkor
You must be wondering why we've been offline for so long. Having so many dogs (and so many happy hearts) is a blast, but with Whitey's passing and Buchi's skin problems, it's just utter chaos.

This is four-year-old Asti. She was given to us by a family who had to leave for the US. She's a white Pekingese who just loves the her blue bone squeaker.

The pekingese is an ancient breed. They are large barkers and independent thinkers. This white pekingese loves have her belly rubbed. She also likes having her fur combed, and she enjoys being bathed.

Yes! She LOVES baths...


  1. What a cutie! Welcome to the family and the blogging world, Asti!

  2. Welcome to Blogville Asti and lovely to see you and we hope you are settling in fine. No worries mum we see you when we see you. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Loves baths?!! Is that a peke trait?

    XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

  4. Welcome Asti - you are very cute :-) I can't believe you love baths though BOL - woofs and licks from Magic xxx

  5. Hello Haopee! It's been a while. A big welcome to Asti. Looks very cute ... for a woofie! MOL

  6. We Beaglebratz, Shiloh’n Diva Shasta, az Blogvillez O-FISHAL Sectretariez of Social Netwerking an'new furrendz, wood like tue O-FISHALLY Welcome u tue Blogville Asti! You iza furry much putry lady.
    (now az fur likin’a bath? Well, that IZ kinda dif’rent BUTT then u iz kinda dif’rent frum a lotta Pekez we haf seen soooooooooo guess we all will just hafta b ok with that – just hope our momz don’t git tue thinkin’ALL woofiez shood like bathz cuz that just ain’t gonna happen)
    Shiloh'n Diva Shasta

    frum Diva Shasta - Butt u gotta due sumthin’tue keep those purty furz of yourz clean like all us other divaz – don’t ya!

    1. Awww. That's really sweet of you guys. It's odd. I think it's because the family who previously took care of her bathed her every week. So unlike Chooey, she doesn't try to run away when she gets her baths. It's so weird.

  7. Awwwwwe! She is precious! Congratulations on your new family member! So cool!

  8. She is gorgeous! Mom had two peke's growing up - she says they are lovely dogs.
    Wally & Sammy

  9. OMD she is gorgeous, you sure have your hands full over there BOL xxoxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  10. Asti is adorable! Welcome to your new, awesome family, sweet one.

  11. Welcome, little white dog! Asti you seem like you will prove to be quite a character...and you have found just the perfect forever family with whom to share that independent thinking.

  12. A girl who luv's baths :-) Just as well if she lived around here with our red mud in the Winter, but oh, what a beautiful girl. Happy days baby :-) x x x


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