Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cheezy Shares his Story on Why Spaying and Neutering is Important

Remember when I said I would never allow the dogs to blog? Well, I was wrong. Seeing as I am running out of ideas, I am now passing the "keyboard torch" to Cheezy. 

My BIG Cheezy Story 
by Cheezy

Hey folks! Let me just tell you I wasn't exactly adopted. In fact, my story isn't life changing (my life- an exception, of course). 

I still can't understand how someone could abandon this smug-looking face of mine. Don't you think I'm cute?

I was a wee-puppy when I got picked up by the BIG MAN. I and my siblings were left in a box at the corner of an unknown house without our mommy or daddy with us. 

We stayed there the entire morning, but nobody wanted us. 

See, I'm uber-talented that I don't need Photoshop to edit my super cute puppy pictures.

Knowing that we would probably end up in the pound, the lady of the unkown house began giving us away to her neighbors calling out, "Who wants a puppy?". 

It was lunch time when the BIG MAN came walking from his office to his BIG HOME. He saw us in box but did not take a closer look. 

So he continues walking home until he arrives at the front door. Then he tells his BIG FAMILY and Haopee that there were puppies without a mom or dad being given away by the lady next door. 

Remember that tortured Kong ball...

Haopee was hesitant at first. Getting a dog was a really BIG RESPONSIBILITY for the BIG FAMILY. Fortunately for me, Haopee says, "Okay. One BIG HAPPY FAMILY of DOGS it is."

So there you have it, the BIG MAN picks me up from the box and brings me home to meet my new brothers.

This is Coal, me and Puppy trying to mess with the landscape. We were caught red-handed.

Now I'm about a year old living the life of a BIG DOG (literally speaking) and I've been happily staying in the BIG HOUSE with my BIG FAMILY thanks to the BIG MAN and his BIG HEART. Oh, and Haopee is just fat, so she isn't categorically qualified to be in this BIG STORY.

Moral of the Story:

Spay and neuter if you want to ensure a puppy-free, accident-free life. I mean it! The initial cost is somewhat expensive, but it'll save you tons of vet visits and puppy problems.

Also, puppies are cute, but they grow into big dogs. I am about 25 kilos (or more) right now. That's 10 times my weight 11 months ago!


  1. So many unwanted animals just because people don't take responsibility. You are right in what you say.
    Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Well, at least you had a happy ending! :-)
    But yes, spay/neuter is very important - too many dogs don't have a happy ending like yours.

  3. Responsible ownership demands that peeps pay attention to this! Too many innocent animal lives pay the price!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    Pee Ess - Stop by our POTP page, we have had to add Molly's Pippen to it.

  4. We wish more people would neuter their pets. We're glad you got adopted to a great home!

  5. We are still amazed at people here who do not spay their dogs. Luckily, it is a minority.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  6. We are thankful you found a good and loving home, Cheezy. But it makes us very sad that more people do not spay and neuter their pets.

  7. I'm so glad you found the perfect home. I, like the others, don't understand why people don't spay or neuter their pets.

  8. You are a handsome boy and so very lucky that you found a loving forever home. There are so many horror stories out there concerning unwanted pups. Spaying and neutering is not only a smart economical thing to do, but it is also the compassionate, responsible choice.

  9. What a great ending but so many puppies have no homes due to irresponsible owners. just too sad xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  10. very good advice I wish low cost spay neuter was more evident when I lived in a wealther neighborhood every dog was altered now in my current lower income area very few are

    retro rover


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Huggies and Cheese, CEO Chooey