Friday, October 11, 2013

Caring for Your Senior Pet Dog (Guest Post)

Today's guest post is brought to you by Ms. Felisa Marino. It's all about taking care of our seniors--something I am currently preoccupied with.

Whitey Update: Good news! Whitey's Aural Hematoma has healed. Surgery isn't necessary anymore. Unfortunately, he became really picky with his diet. He won't eat dog food anymore. He even starved himself for two straight days. I decided to change his diet to rice, Cerelac and Royal Canin's recovery food. To my relief, his appetite has been rekindled... but this dog food combination can be very expensive.

So with no further ado...

May pet owners are challenged with the realization that their pet is getting older. It is extremely important to know the different signs of aging in pets and to take necessary action to make sure the quality of life of your pet doesn’t change in any way. As pets get older, the amount of care and attention that is required grows even more, making them completely dependent on their owner. Let us take a look at some ways in which you can ensure that your pet leads a normal life even during old age.

Feed your pet a healthy and nutritious diet

Healthy nutrition is essential and very important for pets of all ages, but according to special health care experts and doctors, feeding your aging pet the proper food with the best nutrients is extremely critical as it would not only keep them fit and active, but it would also aid in fighting the signs of growing old. Deciding what would be the best diet for your pet should be left up to a vet. He or she can suggest and recommend quality branded food with the best ingredients and formulas that a senior dog requires to survive.

Daily exercise

By Teles (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Just because your dog is growing old and slowing down, it doesn’t mean that he or she should be curled up on his blanket on the floor in some corner. It is extremely essential for every pet to exercise and stay healthy. Daily activities would help the pet both physically as well as mentally. Going on long walks and hikes may not be possible for your aging dog, but short walks in the park would definitely keep him active and fit. Exercise is also another factor that prevents health issues, so it is very important to keep your pet fit and lean.

Regular Check ups

There is a liability that a lot may happen to your pet in between visits to the vet. Senior and older aged dogs must visit the vet at least once in every 6 months to make sure if they have caught any diseases or have any serious health issues. If so, then these can be treated early. Kidney problems, arthritis, diabetes are different problems that can be faced by a senior dog. One should ensure to take their dog to the vet regularly to be on the constant lookout for such health issues. For any emergencies, if ever, the RSPCA phone number should be kept handy.

Proper care of the teeth

Senior dogs require a lot more can than younger dogs when it comes to their teeth. Neglecting aged dogs' teeth is like a ticking time bomb. Many experts and veterinarians have reported that the tartar that is formed can cause harmful bacteria to enter your pet’s blood stream, causing many problems on the dog’s organs. A great way to ensure your senior dog is taken care of properly is to make sure his teeth and gums are clean. Regular brushing at home and professional cleaning done by the vet are very important.

Keep your pet at a proper weight

Overweight older dogs would only mean stress and burden to their bodies. This would also lead to pains and aches in joints as well as the organs.

It is very important to keep your dog lean and fit to make sure his bones are sturdy and strong enough to carry him. Yes, older dogs do have less energy, but they can definitely be helped if their weight is kept in proportion.

Joseph Mischyshyn [CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
As our dogs age, they tend to need our attention much more. Proper monitoring of their health and proper care and safety measures must be taken to keep them happy and healthy. Special dog care is always there to help during emergencies with sick and ill pets, so it is very important to carry the RSPCA phone number at all times. After all, our pets are our best friend; it is our duty to keep them happy and well.


  1. There is alot to think about here. Although I am a pup for 2 years, it doesn't hurt to be prepared ahead of time.

  2. Except for maybe the weight thing, we do all the rest. And actually the weight isn't too bad.

    XXXOOODaisy (the senior dog)

  3. We agree with the above and with ancient Pip we have to make time for her and make sure she is stimulated. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. This is all good info. I have three seniors at home and at 6 Bob is nearing senior dom, so almost four.

    urban hounds

  5. Great post for those who have senior dogs :) Have a super weekend xxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. Great news about Whitey. We hope his appetite for his regular food comes back soon.

    Thank you for posting about taking care of senior dogs. This is really important stuff that lots of people don't consider.

  7. You always share some very good tips--thank you so much. Moms need to remember all this important information!

  8. At almost 14, Whisky certainly qualifies as a senior. Puzzle games are a good way to keep the mind active!

  9. Great post for us senior parents! Have a great weekend!

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