Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mischief Monday: R.I.P Doggie Toys

We would like to dedicate this post to some of our favorite toys who've crossed the rainbow bridge.

Here lies dear old Mr. Stick. 
He was chewy and sweet. 
He kept me happy when nobody wanted to be chewed.

Wonderful Mr. Bear was soft and cuddly. 
He allowed me to toss him around 
and shake him vigorously.
Let us give our toys a moment of silence to cherish how much they've kept us occupied during times of boredom.

Snoopy's Dog Blog


  1. That is too funny. Finn doesn't tend to de-stuff any of her toys but we have definitely gone through quite a few which just weren't strong enough!

  2. Hahaha great post! Daisy is only 2 years old, and already we'd have a graveyard FILLED with the toys that have crossed the bridge. Daisy is a destruction machine - few toys have passed her test! :)

  3. BOL! What a funny post! Mr. Stick looks pawsome - that is definitely my kind of toy! Stuffy bear is not so bad either. Sorry your toys died but they brought you much fun and enjoyment so their untimely deaths were not in vain. :->


  4. R.I.P. Mr. Stick and Mr. Bear. LOL!

  5. We love it! That chewy stick looks very cool and how sweet of you to remember them.:)

    Teddy Bear & Sierra

  6. Our toys look like yours! We have made it our mission in life to destroy our toys! BOL!

  7. That looks like a lot of chewing and a lot of fun has been had!! :)

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy :)

  8. BOL!! that looks like someone had fun!


  9. Haopee! Thanks for stopping by our blog, we thought we'd return the favor and follow you! Those toys look like the lived the good life. We like to bite the tails off all of the white mice our Mom brings us and then hoard them under the dryer.

    Gronk and Izzie

  10. Hey Peanuts, Hey Buchi, Jet here. HI Haopee.

    Oh that's a great MM post... BOL!!!

  11. Poor, poor toys. At least they were "well-loved!" LOL!

  12. Poor Indy's toys get de-stuffed whenever cousin Brady comes to visit!

    Critter Alley

  13. You can tell they were all loved so much.
    May they all rest in peace!

  14. What a beautiful tribute! Have you ever read the Velveteen Rabbit? That is what I like to think ultimately happens to toys that are loved to death.

  15. RIP toys, you will meet lots of ours when you go to that great toy heaven in the sky, BOL!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  16. Hey - you are very good at destruction! Still this would promote some new ones coming into the fold, no??

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

  17. That was very nice of you to dedicate a blog post to the doggy toys that crossed the rainbow bridge. I don't think I've seen a wood toy like Mr. Stick before. I guess it wasn't too durable though.

    Happy Monday!

  18. Woe is the life of a dog toy!

  19. May the rest in peace ...

    Your pal, Pip

  20. Mmmmm...I thinks they must have tasted exellente....hope you are all right!!

  21. Haha! Mr Elephant is 11 years old and my best pal toy. He is now blind but still very much loved. We still sleep together. :)

  22. this made my tail wag! it is our job to get the stuffing out and get to the squeak...this is the Scrappy truth!

    they willl be back in one piece and hold a place of honor at the bridge for sure!

  23. Its all fun and games until one gets seriously torn and bitten

    Haha I hope in heaven theyd be more gentler

  24. You really made Mommy laugh out loud on this one!!! It is indeed sad when a toy can't make it to surgery in time when something goes awry. *Sniff sniff* ....sorry, had to take a moment to compose myself. *as taps plays in the distance*

    Love, Pixel

  25. Teehee!! Check out Poppy's Toys that crossed the rainbow bridge too! They call her the serial killer! :P


  26. haha! i would have a massive graveyard if i kept every destroyed toy!

  27. Hi Haopee & the gang!

    I just gave you an award for your blog! You can see it here: http://pixelblueeyes.blogspot.com/2012/06/joy-of-awards-friends-and-being.html
    Love & Hugs!
    Pixel Blue Eyes


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