Monday, April 16, 2012

Ginger is All Grown-Up

Dear Friends,

I apologize for not visiting your blogs as often. I have been a bit busy here at home and working online. The Photo Strike is still on, which is why I've decided to finally fix my mom's busted 5MP-camera (I'm quite thankful that my five years in engineering have proven itself useful now.)
Ginger, when she still a wandering little puppy visiting our house every morning to play with Coal and BD.
And after three months of enjoying her puppy life with us, she's now a lady.

Now, she's all grown up (having experienced her first estrus cycle), staying in her favorite spot in the dog's balcony.
Not much mischief here... Well, except for Peanut's ongoing Photo Strike.

Snoopy's Dog Blog


  1. Ginger is a lovely girl

    urban hounds

  2. Glad to see you back! Ginger really has grown up - how fine you look there on the balcony Ginger :-) woofs and licks from Magic xx

  3. Hello Ginger :) You look perky !

    My camera is the type that needs a postgrad degree in Engineering to use lol

  4. You look very pretty Ginger!! So Peanuts, when is the photo strike going to be over??


  5. ginger has grown into a beautiful girl!

  6. Hi Y'all,

    Ginger is so cute!

    Oh, it was morning frost in the southern US mountains that wilted those leaves.

    Just hopped over to catch up with your happenings and say hello! Have fun this week and try to avoid gettin' into mischief!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. Ginger, you are so pretty. Have an awesome Monday!!!

  8. Hey Ginger, Jet here. Not sure if it's proper to say Congratulations??? (Mars/Venus issue, terribly confusing)...

    Peanut, still on strike, eh? What are your terms???

    1. I caught one non-blurry picture of her! I'll probably be posting it soon.

  9. Awww, Ginger has grown up into a beauty!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  10. Hello there Ginger! Love the smile! Too cute. Have a great Monday!!! :) ~Weinerful Gang~

  11. Ginger is a very pretty lady - guess we all have to grow up one day:)

    Now Peanut - about time to give up the strike. We are all getting rather Peanut-deprived.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  12. Ginger looks so sweet and pretty!

    Your pal, Pip

  13. She's such a pretty girl!
    Dachshund Nola

  14. Welcome to womanhood, Ms. Ginger. My sister Stanzie, says it's not so bad! I wouldn't know about such things....but, I do know that you are pretty!


  15. We have also been really busy here too. You have turned into a lovely little lady Ginger!

  16. Hi Guys,

    Peanut - glad to see you're still keeping up the Mischief - though I have to warn you buddy, Ginger is very pretty and she doesn't seem to mind the camera, she may take the spotlight from you if you keep up the strike!! Tee Hee

    Hope you're having a fun day :)

    Your pal Snoopy :)

    1. I have taken a whole lot of shots of Ginger. Whenever she sees the camera, she stops and poses. Seriously, some dogs are just too smart. ^^

  17. Ginger sure is a cute dog! I love the picture of her on the dog balcony. :)

    1. Thank you. We especially made the dog balcony elevated to let the cool air pass through easily. It's very hot here where we live and I would hate to put them in a small cage like some people do.

  18. Ginger is so lucky to be living with you, she has grown up into such a stunner!!!


  19. Will you be getting her spayed then?

    1. Good question. I am planning to do so on our next visit to the vet. Unfortunately, our hectic schedule has hindered such plans.

  20. Ginger enjoying the afternoon.. like a lady


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