Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wordless Thursday

"No one gets to the boxes except through ME!"

We visited a friend yesterday which is why Wordless Wednesday turned into Wordless Thursday. He got some packages from his mom and Lambchop was in one of them.


  1. Replies
    1. Doesn't it look evil?!?

      It still gives me nightmares!

  2. Replies
    1. ^_^ went to your blog and found out more about you. Sorry for stacking up the awards.

  3. Brave Little Lamb Chop! Lamb Chop? Like in yummy tasty nommy mouth watering LAMB? Hmmmmm

  4. Wow! It's Ram-bunny!

    Critter Alley

    1. LOL, I hadn't understood what Rambunny was until I asked my partner. Hehe, I just realized how inefficient my brain is functioning nowadays.

  5. How dare you smite Lamby with your comment! I know she's practically the main ingredient of your dog food but give the lamb with a knife some respect. ^_^ LOL

  6. Haha that's cute!! I wonder what's in the boxes, lots of Doggie treats?? :)

    Have fun

    Your pal Snoopy :)

    1. Well, no dog treats. No food even, just a bunch of clothes and stuff.

  7. Yes it does look evil, I'm scairt

    loveys Sasha

    1. Lamby is on top of a VCR rewinder, they both came from the package.

  8. Haopee, unfortunately I can see by your photo that you are not a tabby kittie. We would love to have you in our club but it is for tabby kitties only. The definition of what a tabby is on our sidebar. Though you are sweet and cute but not a tabby or kittie we would be unable to process your request to join. We would, however, love to have you come and visit us whenever you want and become our friend. I have many friend doggies, I even have an adopted sister you might know her, Asta. She just moved to Budapest.
    I am thinking we will have to check tiltin tabby closer as I don't see thos lovely tabby markings that we have so tiltin probably won't become a member either. Love to you and all your doggie friends.
    ps: Love boxes, may I have it when it is empty?

  9. MOL! We votes for Ram-Bunny too! MOL!!!


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Huggies and Cheese, CEO Chooey