Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Not just Losing a Pet, but a Part of the Family

Last night was one of the most painful moments of our lives. My beau and I are now aware of the fact that Shark will no longer bark when there are strangers passing through our gate. We will no longer hear him growl at our other dog for dominance and he will no longer jump on me whenever I come home.

This is the only dog my partner wants to have now.

I thought I had it bad but my beau had it worse. When we lost Twitch from Heartworms, my beau was really hurt that it arrived to a point that he was choking on his tears. Now that we lost Shark, his favorite dog in the world, I was pretty concerned about his health condition. We already know that women are more versatile than men when it comes to loses so it mattered to me how he'd deal with this experience.

How do pet lovers recover from a lose so devastating that they're willing to spend so much just to have that small chance for their pets to live longer? You tell me. This year, we lost so many pets that it felt that a piece of our heart was being ripped out. What made it more painful was that we were helpless due to lack of knowledge we have about dog sicknesses and symptoms.

We weren't the only ones trying to recover. One of our dogs, Coal, had been wondering why I gave him Shark's bowl to eat on and gave his to Milk. I'm not sure if it was the right thing to do. I was just considering the pack hierarchy and not the effect of Shark's death to the others.

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Huggies and Cheese, CEO Chooey