Have you ever seen two dogs confront each other and wonder what they're communicating about? How many of us have wished that we could talk to animals like Eliza Thornberry or have a talking dog like the ones we see on TV. Well, I've had it with second guessing. After doing a little research and some observations with my own dogs, here's some things I've taken note of.
"Nothing beats the heat like a snow dog on the beach."
Mouth Open, Tongue Hanging Limply, Soft Droopy Eyes, Ears Forward - "Chillax!". Relaxed Doggy
Low Moaning or Barking with a Low Whining Growl- "Anybody there?". Anxious Doggy
Loud, Repeated Barking, sometimes with a Growl- "Get away from me or I'll bite You". Aggravated Doggy
Screaming Whine- "Ouuuuuuuuccchhh," or "Okay okay! You win!". Beaten doggy by other doggy
Belly Showing after Rolling Over- "Don't hurt me, Big Daddy!" or "Rubby Me Tummy! (if Fido does it in front of his master)". Deference Postured Doggy
Looming Over Another Dog with a Wagging Tail- "Do as I say!". Dominant Doggy
Long Howling- "Dooooooooon't leeeeeeave meeee heeereee alooooone.". Lonely Doggy due to Separation Anxiety
Head Low, With Booty Up In the Air, High Pitched Bark or Soft-Playful Growl- "Bring it on. I've got ball.". Doggy in Play Mode
Head Down or Turned to Side- "You are the boss of me.". Submissive Doggy
Yawning- "Boooored" or "Stressssed". Stressed Doggy
Eyes Watching, Teeth Bared, Ears Flattened, Tail Horizontal Wagging Slowly- "Come here and I might give you the bite treatment.". Intimidating Doggy
Head or Paws Resting on Paw Pal- "I'm your boss.". Dominant Doggy
Skipping or Hopping- "Hellooo.".Excited Doggy

Wide Open Eyes or Staring Sideways, Jaws Tensed or Tongue Licking Lips, Panting, Tail Tucked Under- "I'ma scared.". Fearful Doggy
Fur Raising at the Back or Neck- "Bring it on. I gonna beat you to a pulp!". Threatening Doggy
Low not so Threatening Growl- "You're in my territory. Now, I'm giving you a chance to get out.". Territorial Doggy
Low Whine or Short Barks- "Alert! Alert!" or "Danger! Danger". Wary Doggy
Head Raised, Tail Raised Up Straight, Body not Moving- " Ooooohhhh, What does this button do?" or "What was that!?!". Interested Doggy
Now that you've read the basics, all we need to figure out next is how to read their minds... or at least figure out which of them stole the juicy steak on top of the table awhile ago.
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Huggies and Cheese, CEO Chooey